Imprisoned and tortured by the Russian FSB for sharing his faith, a young man escapes into the wilderness and becomes a fugitive running for his life to the Norwegian border.
The Story
John Aaron, a Norwegian-born American, is an international motivational speaker and musician. But he has a secret life. He helps the underground church in Russia smuggle Bibles.
Amy, his fiancé, grows impatient with the time he spends away from her and calls to tell him this may not be the life for her after all. During the call, he gets taken and thrown in an FSB prison. In desperation, she launches into a campaign to find him and discovers that the underground church has a network of spies that eventually uncover the truth about John and his family.
Escaping the prison with the help of a guard - he must run for his life through Moscow to the wilderness. But Aleksandr, an FSB agent with a relentless vendetta leads secret police to find John. He is in non-stop, full-on survival mode, battling the harsh winter climate over the mountains and government agents assigned to stop him.
Perhaps the first action-thriller in the faith-based market. We are in the development phase.
Script and Pitch Deck available upon request.